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Organization advocates spaying and neutering of feral felines

An animal welfare group reports that over 10,000 stray cats reside in Berlin. In response, the association has initiated a program to prevent further growth in their numbers.

This young cat has been a new resident at the Berlin animal shelter since Christmas.
This young cat has been a new resident at the Berlin animal shelter since Christmas.

Wildlife Creatures. - Organization advocates spaying and neutering of feral felines

The Berlin Animal Welfare Association (TVB) introduced a new campaign called "Who Loves Cats, Spays Them" on Monday. They placed posters all over the city to encourage people to spay their stray cats. The goal is to lower the number of cats roaming the streets. As of now, it's estimated there are over 10,000 cats wandering around Berlin.

Eva Rönspieß, the chairperson of the TVB, said, "A lot of people don't realize that hundreds of stray cats, even many young ones, are suffering and sometimes dying on the streets." She wants the Berlin Senate to take stricter action to enforce the Cat Protection Ordinance.

The TVB has been providing food and medical care for street cats for years. In their veterinary practice, they spayed 1150 cats last year. Particularly in spring and summer, when the majority of street cats are born, the animal welfare workers face a significant amount of work. They recorded over 600 cats needing their help during the previous summer. Cats at various stages of pregnancy, with newborn kittens, and orphaned kitten babies all ended up at the animal shelter. "It was like a tidal wave of cats," Rönspieß stated. The TVB guarantees that spaying is a routine procedure for both female and male cats.

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