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Noteworthy rise in days missed owing to mental health issues

In Saarland, a growing number of individuals are taking mental health-related sick leaves, with depression being the main culprit.

Eine Frau sitzt mit dem Kopf in den Händen auf einem Stuhl. (gestellte Szene).
Eine Frau sitzt mit dem Kopf in den Händen auf einem Stuhl. (gestellte Szene).

Insurance information redacted. - Noteworthy rise in days missed owing to mental health issues

In the past decade, the number of work days missed due to mental health issues in Saarland has surged by over fifty percent. According to a study conducted by Barmer health insurance, an average employee in Saarland took 5.7 days off due to mental health problems in the previous year. This marks a new record high. In 2013, the average number of days missed was just 3.7.

Mental health-related issues topped the list in 2023, causing 1.8 days of absence. "Mental distress can sometimes stem from workplace issues. A managerial approach that values and listens to employees helps improve workplace health," says Dunja Kleis, the managing director of Barmer in Saarland.

Overall, last year, the average number of days missed due to illness for each employed individual in Saarland was 25.7, which was slightly less than the previous year. Respiratory infections, including flu, cough, and the common cold, were the second most common reason for absences, accounting for 4.8 days. Musculoskeletal disorders like back pain ranked third with 4.7 days. Employees in the Neunkirchen district took the most time off (28.3 days), while those in the Saarbrücken regional association took the least (24.9 days).

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