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New Year's Eve rules: Authorities urge compliance

Traditionally, rockets are set off and firecrackers thrown at the start of the new year. There are rules to prevent fireworks from getting out of hand on New Year's Eve.

A firecracker explodes during a demonstration by a pyrotechnician.
A firecracker explodes during a demonstration by a pyrotechnician.

Turn of the year - New Year's Eve rules: Authorities urge compliance

A few days before the turn of the year, authorities and local councils have appealed to the population of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern to exercise caution when setting off New Year's Eve fireworks and to comply with the applicable regulations. In larger cities and popular tourist destinations, there are often clear guidelines as to where rockets may be fired and flares lit and where not. The city of Greifswald has published a map with markings. According to the information, central firework displays are only permitted in a few municipalities, including Stralsund and Neubrandenburg, as well as in some Baltic seaside resorts. Rostock traditionally invites visitors to Warnemünde on New Year's Day for a large tower lighting display.

Schwerin's head of public order, Silvio Horn, referred to the safety distances that apply in the state capital. For example, pyrotechnic objects may not be set off in the vicinity of churches, hospitals, retirement and nursing homes, a regulation that applies nationwide. The firing of rockets is also prohibited within a radius of 150 meters of objects at risk of fire, such as thatched houses, timber yards and petrol stations. "Violations can be punished with fines of up to ten thousand euros," said Horn. In a statement, the city council also warned against the use of illegal explosive devices. This carries the risk of serious injury or even death.

The State Office for Health and Social Affairs (LAGuS) warned of the general dangers of New Year's Eve fireworks. "Caution is required so that no one suffers burns, severe injuries and irreversible damage to the eyes and ears, which can affect the rest of their life," explained Heiko Will, Director of the Office. The New Year's Eve firecrackers sold in Germany are tested for their sound level. However, a safety distance of at least eight meters from the explosion should be maintained and ear protection should be worn if possible. There will not be a general ban on firecrackers this year, as was the case during the coronavirus pandemic, said Will.

According to him, the use of fireworks on New Year's Eve is legally regulated to prevent danger: Firecrackers, for example, which can be purchased from December 28, may only be used on December 31 and January 1. Setting off fireworks illegally imported from abroad or even homemade fireworks is considered a criminal offense. As a rule, rockets and firecrackers may only be set off from the age of 18. Commercial fireworks displays must be registered in advance with the state authorities.

The tradition of New Year's Eve fireworks is increasingly being criticized. Environmentalists and animal rights activists point to the release of particulate matter and noise stress for animals. Rescue and security forces complain that fireworks repeatedly injure people and start fires. In many cases, rescue workers are also exposed to targeted attacks with firecrackers and rockets.

Tower lights

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