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New mosque building in difficult times

Thuringia's first new mosque building is already clearly visible. However, the Muslim place of worship will probably not open for a few months.

The Ahmadiyya community's place of worship is due to open in spring 2024
The Ahmadiyya community's place of worship is due to open in spring 2024

Religion - New mosque building in difficult times

Non-stop hostility, a pandemic and problems with construction companies: Although much of the construction work at the Ahmadiyya community's mosque in Erfurt has been completed, it is not yet finished at the turn of the year. "There is still some minor work to be done, but we can't apply for an operating license without it," said regional spokesperson Suleman Malik. The opening is conceivable in March or April. "Good things come to those who wait," said Malik. The place of worship in Erfurt is the first new mosque to be built in Thuringia.

The construction work has been going on for several years. Most recently, it had to be interrupted due to snow and ice. Then the dedicated construction companies had to fulfill other orders, reported Malik. Nevertheless, interested parties, such as student groups, can already visit the building by booking a guided tour. Malik also hopes that the community will be able to invite people to the mosque for the New Year's reception.

The situation has come to a head

Even the prospect of finally being able to pray in their own mosque instead of in rented rooms is no consolation for the current situation, says Malik. "It was difficult to find construction companies right from the start. Some were afraid for the safety of their employees on site, because we still have to deal with hostility. And with the war in the Middle East, the situation has become even worse."

He receives many threatening phone calls and representatives of the right-wing camps regularly organize rallies in front of the mosque. The police also speak of frequent demonstrations that are announced as "vigils". According to Malik, he would also like to see more protection for Muslim institutions.

"Since the beginning of the Middle East war, many people automatically consider me as a Muslim to be an anti-Semite or Hamas sympathizer," Malik complained. Muslims are under general suspicion and are constantly asked to distance themselves from the violence. "You have the feeling of being pulled through the arena by a nose ring."

Yet peace is the wish of the Ahmadis. "We can't solve what's happening in the Middle East here in Erfurt, but we have to stand up together with other religious communities and stop dividing society." The aim is to live in peace with our neighbors, with our Jewish brothers and sisters.

Read also:

  1. Despite facing hostility, a pandemic, and construction challenges, the Ahmadiya community's mosque in Erfurt, the first new mosque in Thuringia, is expected to open in March or April, after completing minor construction work.
  2. The mosque construction in Erfurt has been affected by unusual weather conditions, including snow and ice, and delays due to other construction company orders.
  3. Despite the impending opening of their new mosque, the Ahmadiya community in Erfurt is still dealing with hostility and has faced frequent demonstrations, threatening phone calls, and accusations of being anti-Semitic or sympathetic to Hamas due to the Middle East war.
  4. The Ahmadiya community in Erfurt hopes that the mosque will foster peace and unity, encouraging religious communities to stand together against divisions and promote harmony with their Jewish neighbors.




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