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Network against child poverty wants cheaper school book loans

Every fourth child and every third young adult in Saxony-Anhalt is at risk of poverty. A network has drawn up new demands on how practical help can be provided.

A window of a school is open for ventilation.
A window of a school is open for ventilation.

Equal opportunities - Network against child poverty wants cheaper school book loans

The Saxony-Anhalt Network against Child Poverty has called for concrete measures to improve equal opportunities and participation. After a meeting in Magdeburg on Monday, the network demanded that children of recipients of housing benefit and child benefit supplement should also be included in the discounted textbook loan scheme in future. Up to now, only pupils of recipients of Social Security Code II have been able to borrow textbooks for one euro per school year; the standard lending rate is three euros. For single parents on low incomes, for example, this is a heavy burden.

Drinking fountains should be installed at more schools, daycare centers and after-school care centers so that children can drink enough fluids and be productive. Water is cheaper and healthier than the usually highly sweetened drinks on sale. The network is also campaigning for tooth brushing to be made compulsory in daycare centers across the country.

The transition from school to work should also be improved for young people from families affected by poverty. Specifically, the network is calling for a wider range and greater use of voluntary internships. This should be supported with an internship bonus for school internships. Awareness of poverty and its effects should be given greater consideration in the training of specialists and teachers in daycare centers and schools.

The non-partisan state network against child poverty has been in existence since 2017. Network spokesperson Eva von Angern emphasized that the aim is to combat the consequences of poverty. The focus is on the areas of education, participation and health. According to the information provided, the network brings together around 40 partners.

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