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"Navalny's dignity remains unbroken": Honoring Navalny's Memory

Alexei Navalny, a staunch critic of the Russian government and President Vladimir Putin, would have celebrated his 48th birthday today.

The late Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny was commemorated at St. Mary's Church in Berlin.
The late Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny was commemorated at St. Mary's Church in Berlin.

Memento - "Navalny's dignity remains unbroken": Honoring Navalny's Memory

To honor Alexei Navalny on his 48th birthday, his loved ones and advocates gathered for a memorial service in Berlin's Marienkirche. Navalny's wife, Julia Navalnaya, expressed her thanks in a brief speech, but remained silent on the subject.

Navalny had been a vocal critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin for many years. He experienced numerous arrests and trials as a result. His life was nearly cut short in 2020 after being poisoned with the dangerous nerve agent, Novichok. His recovery at the renowned Charité Hospital in Berlin was followed by his return to Russia in 2021, where he was jailed again. Tragically, on February 16, 2021, Navalny passed away in a Siberian prison in somewhat mysterious circumstances.

Sermon in Berlin's Marienkirche

The Evangelical Bishop Christian Stäblein expressed in his Berlin service that they wanted to celebrate Navalny's birthday with him and sing him a Happy Birthday song. "I have faith and belief that the celestial choirs are doing the same at this moment."

Stäblein highlighted Navalny's steadfastness and wit and his unwavering dedication to freedom and justice in Russia, despite being subjected to torture, destruction, and poisoning. A person's inherent dignity is bestowed upon them at birth, added the bishop. "This dignity couldn't be taken away from Navalny," he said. We remain steadfast in our belief that in the end, freedom and justice will prevail.

With regards to Navalny's character, journalist Sabine Adler recounted his arrest in 2018 for attempting to run against Putin for president. As a blogger, Navalny publicly exposed corruption among Putin's inner circle through investigative research. Despite deviating at times, such as being drawn to nationalists and supporting the Crimea's annexation, which belongs to Ukraine, he managed to correct himself. Navalny also strongly denounced the Russian war against Ukraine. [End of paraphrasing]

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