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Nationwide protests planned against France's right-wing conservative leaders

Across France, a wave of protests is expected this weekend, two weeks before the upcoming elections. The protests are in response to the rising influence of right-wing populists. Various unions, political parties, and organizations have issued calls for these demonstrations. As per police...

Demonstration against France's right-wing populists
Demonstration against France's right-wing populists

Nationwide protests planned against France's right-wing conservative leaders

Around 300,000 to 350,000 individuals might join in. Up to 100,000 might flood the streets of Paris. The far-right nationalist party Rassemblement National nailed a solid 32% in the European election and is just a hair's breadth below that in a poll for the upcoming parliamentary election. Consequently, they would be the most powerful force in the parliament and may have the power to select the prime minister.

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