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Munich is looking forward to the 2029 gymnastics festival

The 2029 Gymnastics Festival will take place in Munich. Once again, the city scores points with the Olympic Park.

Dieter Reiter (SPD), Lord Mayor of the City of Munich, takes part in a press
Dieter Reiter (SPD), Lord Mayor of the City of Munich, takes part in a press

Munich is looking forward to the 2029 gymnastics festival

Munich is looking forward to hosting the 2029 International German Gymnastics Festival, as the delegates of the German Gymnastics Congress decided at their meeting in Hanau, Hesse. "I am delighted that the German Gymnastics Federation has awarded the bid to Munich. The German Gymnastics Festival is the world's largest sporting event, combining top-class and popular sport," said Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) according to a statement on Monday.

"From children's gymnastics to the program for older people, all generations come together at the gymnastics festival. Munich was already a very successful host of the International German Gymnastics Festival in 1998," said Reiter. An estimated 100,000 participants are expected.

Sports officer Florian Kraus had traveled to Munich as an ambassador and presented the state capital's bid, while Reiter addressed a video greeting to the 400 or so delegates. Among other things, Munich's bid concept provides for the sustainable use of the sports facilities in Munich's Olympic Park.

"Our sustainable overall concept for the event, including competitions in the Olympic Park, has convinced the German Gymnastics Federation. Munich is once again demonstrating that it lives up to its reputation as a city of sport. Gymnastics is an extremely popular sport in Munich - and we will have a great atmosphere throughout the city with the gymnastics festival," said sports officer Florian Kraus.

The International German Gymnastics Festival is organized every four years by the German Gymnastics Federation and is held in different cities and regions of Germany.


