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Motorcycle crashes into house wall - rider seriously injured

A man drives straight ahead on a right-hand bend. A little later, the rescue helicopter arrives.

A motorcyclist is taken to hospital by rescue helicopter
A motorcyclist is taken to hospital by rescue helicopter

Accident - Motorcycle crashes into house wall - rider seriously injured

A motorcycle rider crashed into a house wall in Westerwald and was severely injured. The man was on his way to Wissen-Pirzenthal in Altenkirchen district around early Monday evening, according to the police. On a downhill stretch, he drove straight into the house entrance in a right turn and then through a hedge. After that, he collided with the wall of the house behind it. The man was taken to a hospital by helicopter ambulance.

The accident involving the motorcycle rider in Westerwald resulted in multiple damages, including the house wall. The accident statistics in Rhineland-Palatinate show an increase in traffic-related incidents in recent years. Despite the caution signs and warnings, accidents like this one continue to occur on winding roads in the Westerwald region.

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