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More than 1200 rural medical practices received funding

Bavaria still needs doctors who want to settle in the countryside. For years, the state has been attracting doctors to work far away from the big cities with lucrative subsidies.

A sign points the way to a doctor's surgery.
A sign points the way to a doctor's surgery.

Healthcare - More than 1200 rural medical practices received funding

Since the introduction of rural doctor funding in 2012, the Bavarian state government has funded 1214 practices and branches in rural areas. A total of 50 million euros has been spent on this, the Ministry of Health announced in response to a request from the German Press Agency in Munich. The subsidized practices include 828 GPs. In the year 2023, which is coming to an end, there were 152 rural GP practices, for which around 7 million euros had been provided.

"Bavaria was one of the first federal states to set up a funding program for rural doctors in 2012. Among other things, this is our contribution to maintaining and improving medical care in rural areas," said Health Minister Judith Gerlach (CSU). The funding program continues to meet with great interest.

"With the scholarship program for medical students, we have already motivated over 300 students to work in rural areas later on," said Gerlach. Since the start of the funding program to maintain and improve medical care, which includes the rural doctor bonus and the scholarship program, more than 57 million euros have already been paid out. "This shows how important it is for us to provide medical care close to home," Gerlach continued.

The rural doctor premium provides support of up to 60,000 euros for doctors setting up in rural areas. Psychotherapists can receive funding of up to 20,000 euros. The prerequisite is that the doctors set up in municipalities with no more than 20,000 inhabitants; moreover, these municipalities must not be over-supplied. For child and adolescent psychiatrists, the limit is 40,000 inhabitants. Premiums are also paid for taking over an existing practice.

Information on the funding programs

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