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Metrological agency alerts about incessant rain showers and intense lightning storms.

Saxony confronts a severe weather stretch with relentless rainfall and intense thunderstorms approaching. Initial flood alerts have been triggered, and several outdoor activities have been called off.

Lightning discharges during a thunderstorm.
Lightning discharges during a thunderstorm.

Current Climatic Conditions - Metrological agency alerts about incessant rain showers and intense lightning storms.

Heavy rains and intense thunderstorms are predicted to hit Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia, resulting in an extreme weather weekend. Cathleen Hickmann from the German Weather Service (DWD) predicted that up to 100 liters of rain per square meter may fall in some areas within 24 hours. While the whole of Saxony is anticipated to be affected, Eichsfeld in Thuringia and Altmark and Magdeburg Börde in Saxony-Anhalt might be spared.

When strong thunderstorms occur, the chance of lightning strikes, uprooted trees, occasional flash flooding of roads and underpasses, and hail increases. Drivers must be careful of aquaplaning due to heavy rain, Hickmann added. Additionally, rivers are already overfull, so the soil cannot absorb more rain.

In the Free State, initial flood warnings have been issued for the Upper White Elster, the Mulde, and the tributaries of the Upper Elbe. With more than 100 liters of rain per square meter and high intensity, hydrologists can't completely rule out reaching the highest alarm level 4.

The State Flood Control Center is currently focused on South and West Saxony, but the Ore Mountains and the area along the Upper Elbe may also be impacted. With thunderstorms during the rain, there could be local heavy rain of 'high intensity.' In particular, severe flooding is possible at smaller rivers, but also beyond that. Next week, the Elbe may also experience flooding.

The authority advises against getting close to swelling rivers, entering cellars, basements, and underpasses during heavy rain. Flooded areas should be avoided, as even shallow water can cause people and cars to be swept away - creating deadly traps.

Saxony's Environment Minister, Wolfram Günther, is concerned about the current situation. "I urge all male and female citizens: Take the warnings of the German Weather Service and the current flood warnings of the State Flood Control Center seriously," said the Green politician.

Vogtland's internal flood management team has been activated. "It was crucial for us to inform the cities and municipalities in advance. They are now instructed to prepare for a possible scenario and take preventative measures," explained District Administrator Thomas Hennig (CDU).

Numerous events have already been canceled. The state government has postponed its planned "Open Government Quarter" event in Dresden for this Saturday. The 20th edition of the "Open Government Quarter" with a comprehensive program and outdoor offers at the ministries will happen on August 4 - "hopefully with better weather."

The 63rd summit, scheduled for this weekend in Plauen, was also canceled. "During a crisis management meeting with representatives from the fire department, police headquarters, personnel, and citizens' service, it was decided to forgo the festival, considering recommendations from the Saxon Flood Control Center and the German Weather Service," said Mayor Steffen Zenner (CDU).

The festival at Schloss Voigtsberg in Oelsnitz (Vogtland) was postponed for an entire year. "Safety is the top priority at events," said Mayor Mario Horn in a statement. "This severe weather situation will tie up rescue and emergency services, making it unfeasible to safely execute such a large event," stressed the CDU politician. The new date is June 13-15, 2025.

Current flood warnings in Saxony:

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