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Message against war: churches invite people to church services

Wars and hardship in many parts of the world dominate the news. The Christian church calls for peace and focuses on its Christmas message of charity.

A Catholic crucifix can be seen in front of dark clouds.
A Catholic crucifix can be seen in front of dark clouds.

Christmas - Message against war: churches invite people to church services

Kristina Kühnbaum-Schmidt, Bishop of the North Church, is convinced that the message of Christmas Eve holds the key to ending war, hardship and misery. "One tries it with love. Do not answer violence with violence, but proclaim peace for all. Do not continue hate speech, but find unifying words," said Kühnbaum-Schmidt in her pre-released Christmas message.

Christ, whose birth is celebrated at Christmas, stands with outstretched arms between enemies and disputants and thus creates new connections, reconciliation and community. With his life, he stands up for all those seeking protection and refuge, does not rely on strength and power, but comes as a newborn child.

In view of the horrors in the war zones of the world, in the face of terror and hatred, the serious consequences of the climate crisis and so many calamities in the world, this Christmas message is so topical and hopeful. Their deep consolation is longed for worldwide, emphasized the regional bishop, who will deliver the sermon on Monday, Christmas Day, in Schwerin Cathedral.

Traditional nativity plays about the birth of Christ, Christmas vespers and festive services heralded the start of Christmas gatherings in many churches in northern Germany on Sunday. The Christmas Eve services are considered to be the best-attended church events in the country every year.

The bishop responsible for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Tilman Jeremias, who will preach in Greifswald on Monday, also took up the symbolic image of the infant Jesus in a guest article in the "Ostsee-Zeitung" (Saturday) and emphasized the topicality of the Christian message. "Because God becomes a child, he directs our attention to all these children and our grandchildren. And he calls out to us: discover your inner child in these days, dare to be needy, exhausted and dependent! Get down from your high horses! Otherwise there can be no peace," wrote the bishop.

Children are the first victims in the numerous crisis areas of this world, but they also suffer the most from the strife in families. "They need protection and security," warned Jeremias. The many conflicts in the world should not prevent us from celebrating the birth of Christ. "I understand Christmas in such a way that it is precisely a reason to celebrate this festival: because in Jesus, God does not come into a perfect world, but Jesus Christ is light in the darkness, he himself is born in poor conditions."

Christmas messages

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