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Medvedev urges Scholz and Macron to step down following European polls.

Depiction of poor political management

Medvedev calls for Scholz and Macron to resign after European elections
Medvedev calls for Scholz and Macron to resign after European elections

Medvedev urges Scholz and Macron to step down following European polls.

Ex-Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has responded to the outcome of the European elections by urging the resignation of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron. He refers to the results as "an indication of your ineffective strategy of backing the Bandera regime" in Ukraine, as well as "your idiotic economic and migration policies."

Bandera was a Ukrainian nationalist. Moscow has a history of using Bandera's name to discredit Kiev's leadership as fascist.

Medvedev, who's now 58 years old and still influential as deputy head of the Russian National Security Council, previously stood out as a potential figure for liberal reform in Russia. During his presidency from 2008-2012, he was often regarded as a beacon of change.

However, since the start of Russia's aggression towards Ukraine, he has turned into a hardliner within Moscow's politics. He frequently issues hostile statements about Kiev and the West on social media.

Meanwhile, the Kremlin has been more reserved in its public commentary on the elections. Although pro-European and pro-Ukrainian forces remain in power, the right-wing parties are catching up, hinting at a potential shift in the political landscape. The Kremlin promised to closely observe these developments. Notably, Peskov, a Kremlin spokesperson, denied allegations that Russia is meddling in European politics. Reports had emerged prior to the elections suggesting that politicians on the right spectrum had received financial aid from Russia.

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