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Medvedev asserts whole Ukraine belongs to Russia, displays corresponding map

To what extent does Russia intend to dominate Ukraine? Responses from Moscow differ. Nevertheless, Dmitry Medvedev can be considered a zealot.

Has become one of the biggest hardliners since the Russian attack on Ukraine: Dmitry Medvedev (l.).
Has become one of the biggest hardliners since the Russian attack on Ukraine: Dmitry Medvedev (l.).

Aggressive war by Russia - Medvedev asserts whole Ukraine belongs to Russia, displays corresponding map

Dmitry Medvedev, a former Kremlin chief, recently claimed Ukraine as part of Russia on a map for the Russian National Day. He shared an animated graphic on his Telegram blog on Wednesday, showcasing the Russian flag waving over a map of Russia. The entire Ukraine, extending up to the borders with Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary, was marked as Russian. However, Belarus, a close ally, was excluded.

Throughout the two-year-long war, Moscow has had different approaches in its official or propaganda statements, indicating how far it wants to control Ukraine. They've expressed the desire to completely conquer Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson, which they've declared annexed. Possibly, they also have plans for Kharkiv in the east and Odessa, and eventually for Kiev as well. In April, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated that only the future of Western Ukraine around Lviv remained unclear.

Once regarded as a liberal hope for Russia during his time as president from 2008 to 2012, Medvedev has evolved into one of the toughest hardliners and openly defends the war through hateful posts on social media.

Celebrating Russia Day on June 12, when the Soviet Republic of Russia's Parliament decided on state sovereignty, symbolizing independence from the decaying Soviet Union, President Vladimir Putin handed out state awards for achievements in culture and technology in Moscow. He urged the nation for unity in these challenging times, stating, "Our patriotism and responsibility for our homeland's destiny unite us." According to the Tass news agency.

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