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Police guard the synagogue in Roonstraße while a carnival performer rolls past on an electric
Police guard the synagogue in Roonstraße while a carnival performer rolls past on an electric

Mayor of Cologne visits synagogue on 11.11.

The Mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker, visited Cologne's largest synagogue on Saturday. "We are of course thinking of the hardship and despair that our Jewish fellow citizens are experiencing at the moment," said the politician, who is not a party member. "Carnival is now being celebrated here not far from the synagogue. Many people need this time of celebration. Others cannot suppress thoughts of the violent attacks by Hamas and the consequences."

Fortunately, there have been no major incidents at the carnival kick-off celebrations on 11.11. so far. However, both Zülpicher Straße and Uniwiesen are already full. Reker therefore appealed to all those celebrating to move to other districts. A police spokeswoman said that all areas were "very busy". The crowds were extreme.

A spokesperson for the Düsseldorf Carnival Committee said that the traditional Hoppeditz speech on Rathausplatz was watched by 5,000 people. Many others celebrated in the side streets in sunny weather.


