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Mayor expresses worry towards Christian get-together

Munich's third mayor Verena Dietl (SPD) expressed worry over a planned gathering of anti-LGBTQ+ fundamentalist Christian individuals in the Olympic Hall. This UNUM24 event is occurring concurrently with Christopher Street Day (CSD). Unfortunately, there are no legal methods for the state...

A cross stands in a Protestant church.
A cross stands in a Protestant church.

Munich: Breakthrough in Breast Implant Lawsuit - Mayor expresses worry towards Christian get-together

UNUM24, a gathering for believers, sees itself as a Christian conference welcoming followers from different denominations. According to Gerhard Kehl and Fadi Krikor, the event's organizers, this conference is not meant for debates on politics or social issues, "regardless of their significance." Their main focus is on their devotion to Jesus Christ.

Regarding the scheduling of the event coinciding with the CSD (Christopher Street Day), they have no issues with it. Gerhard Kehl and Fadi Krikor shared their thoughts, stating, "We're content that Munich is a welcoming city, capable of accommodating various kinds of events."

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