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Massive protests sweeping France in response to the rise of right-wing nationalists

In the lead-up to France's upcoming elections, a wave of protests against right-wing populists swept across the nation. Protests ignited in multiple cities, such as Bayonne, Toulon, and Valenciennes, on a Saturday morning, and a significant rally took place in the capital, Paris, later in the...

Demonstrators in Reims, France
Demonstrators in Reims, France

Massive protests sweeping France in response to the rise of right-wing nationalists

Across the nation, around 200 protests were scheduled for the weekend, with an estimated participation of up to 350,000 people. A diverse group of labor unions, political parties, and organizations had rallied for these protests. Over 21,000 cops and gendarmes were preparing for action.

In the northeastern French city of Nancy, demonstrators waved banners reading "The Republic is Burning" or "The Far Right Poses a Deadly Threat." Over a thousand people, including numerous young folks, joined the protests there.

A 22-year-old student named Ariane Guinamand, hailing from Clermont-Ferrand, shared that she had attended her first demonstration and found the Rassemblement National (RN) of Marine Le Pen rather unsettling. In Reims, a 20-year-old demonstrator voiced her fears of being marginalized as a "woman and lesbian" by the right-wing populists.

A week prior, the Rassemblement National (RN) of Marine Le Pen garnered around 31.5% of the votes in the European elections. In response, French President Emmanuel Macron disbanded the parliament and scheduled early elections to the National Assembly, happening in two rounds on June 30 and July 7.

Polls suggested that the RN could achieve similar impressive results in the parliamentary elections. This would make the party the most powerful force in parliament and potentially allow them to appoint the prime minister. Thousands had already taken to the streets to voice their opposition to the right-wing shift during the previous Friday evening in various cities such as Montpellier and Lyon.

Read also:

  1. The upcoming European election in France serves as another battleground for the Right-wing populists, following their strong performance in the previous polls.
  2. Last weekend, French cities like Bayonne, Toulon, and Valenciennes witnessed large-scale demonstrations against the rise of right-wing nationalists, including significant participation from locals.
  3. In the light of these nationwide demonstrations, Marine Le Pen's Rassemblement National, the prominent right-wing party, stands to gain substantial support in the upcoming French Parliamentary elections.
  4. With estimates suggesting that Rassemblement National could secure a majority in the new French Parliament, there's a possibility of a new prime minister being appointed from the right-wing populist ranks, as early as July 7.
  5. However, opposition to the Rassemblement National's potential rise continued in other notable French cities over the weekend, with Paris joining the list, as protesters voiced their concerns about a right-wing shift in the country's political landscape.
  6. The French Police department is bolstering its forces in preparation for potential violent clashes during the European election, aiming to maintain order and protect both supporters and opponents of right-wing nationalism.



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