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Massive Police Operation in Brandenburg for Tesla-Related Protests

Some protesters tried to force their way into Tesla's facility in May. Authorities currently evaluate the extensive police action. There is potential for enhancements in accommodating law enforcement personnel.

Police clear activists from a road blockade at a protest against Tesla.
Police clear activists from a road blockade at a protest against Tesla.

In May, police had to handle several protests against Tesla, an American electric car manufacturer, which turned out to be the largest operation in the state's history. The scope of this event included the number of officers involved and the length of the operation, which lasted four days, as stated by Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) in a meeting with the Potsdam Landtag Interior Committee. During these protests, protesters attempted to storm the Tesla plant, but were prevented by the police.

From May 8th to 12th, around 10,000 people gathered for the demonstrations. The police count showed that 27 officers and 26 private individuals were injured. The daily presence of law enforcement personnel ranged from 1,648 to 2,183, with assistance from the Federal Police across 13 states. There were 76 criminal complaints filed, along with 29 expulsions. During these protests, five activists suffered severe injuries like fractures and brain trauma, and were taken to the hospital, as shared by Police President Oliver Stepien.

The Interior Minister, Stübgen, said that the food supply for the police was "strikingly poor," expressing his displeasure over the situation. "We're fortunate that so many officers from across Germany came to support us, and then the food supply was insufficient," he informed. The allowance provided for food was also considered inadequate. Temporary measures have been put in place to ensure that for similar operations, double the food allowance is provided.

Anita Kirsten, the head of the state police union (GdP), spoke to about the food pack for police officers, which costs approximately €11 for twelve hours. This pack includes two dry bread rolls, a small salami, a bacon sandwich, a kiwi, a tomato, an apple, two sweet biscuits, and a small bag of peanuts.

On May 10th, hundreds of activists and protesters attempted to break into the company grounds of Tesla in Grünheide, Brandenburg. They crossed a wildlife fence on the edge of the factory owned by Elon Musk. The police reported that the protesters were unable to enter the factory grounds. The police were deployed in large numbers, and they had access to water cannons and an armored personnel carrier, although these were not used. The protest was mainly against the proposed expansion of the factory grounds for a freight yard and logistics areas.

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