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Masked assailants physically attack a man by punching and kicking him.

In Lüdenscheid (Märkischer Kreis), three masked assailants assaulted a 29-year-old man at night while he was on a footpath. Their weapons were a baseball bat, punches, and kicks directed at the victim while he was down. The police revealed that the man sustained injuries on his head and other...

A flashing blue light shines on the roof of a police car.
A flashing blue light shines on the roof of a police car.

Illegal activities - Masked assailants physically attack a man by punching and kicking him.

A man was walking when he suddenly heard footsteps following him. Before he knew it, three attackers appeared, one of them swinging a baseball bat. The victim, a 29-year-old, was knocked down but managed to drag himself towards the main street. There, he called for help. The attackers fled when a nearby house's light turned on. A witness took the injured man to the hospital.

Read also:

  1. The incident occurred in North Rhine-Westphalia, specifically in the town of Lüdenscheid, and the victim was a 29-year-old man.
  2. The police in Märkischer Kreis, a neighboring district, are investigating the crime and are looking for the masked assailants.
  3. Despite the incident, men in Lüdenscheid continue their daily routines, walking on the footpath near the scene, unaware of the recent incident.

