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Marx on the blessing of homosexuals: Huge for some in the church

Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx has welcomed the papal permission to bless homosexuals and remarried couples under certain conditions as a step in the right direction. Admittedly, the letter is a little "fussy" and the choice of words is not entirely happy, Marx said on Tuesday at the Munich...

Cardinal Reinhard Marx takes part in a press conference.
Cardinal Reinhard Marx takes part in a press conference.

Society - Marx on the blessing of homosexuals: Huge for some in the church

Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx has welcomed the papal permission to bless homosexuals and remarried couples under certain conditions as a step in the right direction. Admittedly, the letter is a little "fussy" and the choice of words is not entirely happy, Marx said on Tuesday at the Munich Press Club. However: "For us, this may only be a small step. But for some in the world church, it's huge to hear that this should be possible. In Africa, some will shake their heads."

Pope Francis had paved the way for the blessing of homosexual couples in the Catholic Church under certain conditions. According to the official German translation, the letter published on Monday refers to the "possibility of blessing couples in irregular situations and same-sex couples".

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