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Maria Furtwängler had a vision of the Christ Child as a child

The "Tatort" actress has a clear idea of what Advent is all about. One childhood memory still impresses her to this day.

Maria Furtwängler (57) had a Christmas vision of the Christ Child as a small child, she says.
Maria Furtwängler (57) had a Christmas vision of the Christ Child as a small child, she says.

Actress - Maria Furtwängler had a vision of the Christ Child as a child

Actress Maria Furtwängler (57) had a Christmas vision as a small child. "I remember that in my excited anticipation and hope, I actually saw the Christ Child once," she told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung newspaper. "I must have gone into the Christmas room a little too early and then just saw the Christ Child rush out." She added: "It was certainly a vision, but a great and impressive one. And for me it was a very material perception that I didn't question," said Furtwängler. Today she would think about it a second time, but as a four or five-year-old she "really saw the baby Jesus", said the actress, who has never let go of the experience since. Furtwängler: "I still draw on it today."

December is a time of singing for the "Tatort" star: "Singing is one of the most beautiful things for me," said Furtwängler about Advent. "I've had a tradition with a girlfriend and a friend for a few years now: we first get together in a small circle and practise in several voices - and then again with the whole circle of friends, with a girlfriend on the piano and another friend who sings professionally. There's nothing better than when our voices blend together." She also sings "daring duets" with friends, which are actually beyond her capabilities. Only then, says Furtwängler, is Advent complete for her: "Christmas without carols wouldn't be Christmas at all."

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