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Man suffers severe burns in apartment fire

A man has suffered severe burns in a fire in a Hamburg apartment. A younger woman was slightly injured, as the police reported on Sunday morning. The fire department was alerted to the fire in an apartment building in the Rotherbaum district shortly before midnight on Christmas Eve. When the...

A fire engine of the fire department drives to an operation with flashing blue lights.
A fire engine of the fire department drives to an operation with flashing blue lights.

Fire department operation - Man suffers severe burns in apartment fire

A man has suffered severe burns in a fire in a Hamburg apartment. A younger woman was slightly injured, as the police reported on Sunday morning. The fire department was alerted to the fire in an apartment building in the Rotherbaum district shortly before midnight on Christmas Eve. When the emergency services arrived, flames were already shooting out of the windows of the affected apartment on the 5th floor, according to the fire department. The man was rescued from the apartment with serious injuries and taken to hospital. In addition to the slightly injured woman, two members of the man's family were also in the apartment, but they remained unharmed. The cause of the fire was initially unknown.

Fire department press release

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The fire on Saint's Eve in Rotherbaum was responded to by the Hamburg Fire Department. The Fire department operation took place shortly before midnight in a high-rise building. Despite the significant combustion, the woman and two other family members managed to escape unharmed. The Fire department operation involved rescuing the man with severe burns from the apartment on the 5th floor. Later, an investigation by the Police was initiated to determine the cause of the apartment fire.


