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A policeman walks across a platform.
A policeman walks across a platform.

Bremen - Man rides on the running board of a train in Bremen

A man traveled on the steps of a regional train in Bremen. After an emergency brake application by the train on a Thursday, the man escaped unnoticed, as the Federal Police announced on a Friday. The Unknown Person had climbed onto the steps of the rear locomotive at Bremen Main Station, Platform 7, and traveled outside the train towards Hannover. A railway employee had observed this and alerted the police. Shortly thereafter, the regional express stopped, and the Unknown Person fled. The officers searched for the "Train Surfer," but could not find him. A total of 18 trains were delayed due to the incident, according to the Federal Police. The investigations are ongoing.

Press Release of the Federal Police

The incident involving the 'Unknown Person' occurred in Germany, specifically at Bremen Main Station. The emergency braking of the train resulted in the Unknown Person needing to use 'emergency braking' of a different kind, as they had to flee the stopping train. Despite the vigilance of the Federal Police, who are actively investigating a crime on the 'railroad', the 'Train Surfer' remains at large.

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