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Man Apprehended in Shocking Phone Scam

A man aged 34 was taken into custody shortly after receiving money from an elderly person. Still, some queries remained unresolved.

A policeman holds handcuffs in his hand.
A policeman holds handcuffs in his hand.

Fruitful inquiry drawn to a close - Man Apprehended in Shocking Phone Scam

A man in his early 30s got nabbed by cops in Hameln while accepting cash from an elderly woman in a potentially fraudulent transaction. This happened on a Wednesday, as reported by police on a Thursday. The police tracked down the man through their investigations into another case of swindling.

In that earlier incident, two women called the elderly woman, claiming to be a cop and her daughter, respectively. One woman claimed that the so-called daughter caused a fatal car accident, while the other demanded cash and valuable items to prevent her from getting arrested. The 89-year-old, believing the impostors, handed over a sum of money and jewels that constituted a five-digit figure. But the police had received a tip about the imminent cash transfer and arrested the men.

The 35-year-old who was supposedly driving the vehicle involved in the crime was caught soon afterwards. However, as no charges were filed against him, he was set free. Authorities are still looking for the two impersonators who made the initial calls. "Crooks usually operate from call centers outside the country," the spokesperson at the prosecutor's office pointed out.

The officers once again urged people not to part with their money or valuables to strangers. People who become victims of such phone frauds should immediately hang up and reach out to their known relatives.

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