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Maintaining a healthy sex life: Tips for men

Various factors can impact a man's sexual well-being, and many are within your power to change. A urologist offers guidance for enhancing sexual health during National Men's Health Month.

Men who exercise regularly report improved erectile function compared with those who are inactive,...
Men who exercise regularly report improved erectile function compared with those who are inactive, studies suggest.

Maintaining a healthy sex life: Tips for men

Who doesn't think about sex frequently? But have you considered how to maintain your sexual health for the long run? It's essential to prioritize your well-being to avoid regrets later. Taking proactive steps to ensure a healthy sex life is your best bet.

Sexual health plays a significant role in your overall well-being. Chronic stress, unhealthy diets, lack of exercise, and other lifestyle factors can all have adverse effects on sexual health. If you're facing ongoing issues, consider consulting a doctor. Early intervention can prevent minor problems from becoming major challenges down the line. Asking for help is a sign of strength, and a healthcare professional can offer the necessary guidance and treatment options for lifelong optimal sexual function.

Feeling the pressure

Chronic stress from personal issues or work-related problems can reduce your libido and cause erectile dysfunction. The body produces excessive cortisol hormones under stress, which interfere with testosterone production. Multiple studies indicate that guys with emotional issues or stress are more likely to experience sexual dysfunction—either premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, or low sexual desire.

Make time for stress-reducing activities in your daily routine, such as regular exercise, meditation, good sleep, and enjoyable hobbies. Talking to a therapist can also provide effective coping strategies.

Eating right

Eating unhealthy foods can lead to obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular issues—all of which can negatively impact your sexual function. Research indicates that men with large waist circumferences (over 40 inches) have a higher risk of metabolic syndrome linked to erectile dysfunction. Consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains can make a significant difference. Limiting alcohol intake and avoiding processed foods can further enhance your sexual health. (In other words, if you eat junk food, your sex life might end up like junk too.)

Moving your body

Inactivity is harmful to heart health, vital for maintaining sexual function. Exercise enhances blood flow, crucial for achieving and sustaining erections. Studies show that men who stay physically active regularly enjoy enhanced erectile function compared with sedentary men.

The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week, as well as strength training workouts, to keep your body in peak condition. In other words, the more you exercise in the gym, the better you'll perform in the bedroom.

Butt out!

Smoking is a leading cause of erectile dysfunction due to its negative effect on blood vessels and blood flow. The toxins in cigarettes can damage the blood vessel walls, reducing blood flow to the penis. Studies reveal that smokers are twice as likely to develop erectile dysfunction as non-smokers. Quitting smoking can significantly improve your sexual health. Utilize resources like nicotine replacement therapy, support groups, and counseling to help you quit.


Sleep disorders, like sleep apnea, can negatively impact testosterone levels and contribute to sexual dysfunction. A study discovered that men with severe sleep apnea had significantly lower testosterone levels than men without the disorder. Prioritizing good sleep hygiene is crucial. If you suspect a sleep problem, consult a healthcare provider for a diagnosis and treatment plan, which may include lifestyle changes or medical interventions.

Mental well-being matters

Mental health conditions like depression and anxiety can significantly affect sexual desire and performance. About 20% of people with anxiety and 40% of men with depression report experiencing sexual dysfunction. Mental health issues can lead to decreased libido and difficulties with achieving and maintaining an erection. Seeking help from mental health experts can be highly beneficial. Therapy and medication can improve both mental health and sexual function.

Hormonal imbalances

Low testosterone levels can negatively impact sexual health. While some natural testosterone decline occurs with age, conditions like hypogonadism can speed up this process. Studies suggest that about 20% of men over 60 have low testosterone levels. Regular checkups from a healthcare provider can help monitor hormone levels. Treatments might include lifestyle changes, medications, or hormone replacement therapy to restore balance.

Medication matters

Certain medications—for example, those for hypertension and depression—can cause sexual dysfunction as a side effect. Beta-blockers, for instance, can reduce libido and lead to erectile issues. Consulting your doctor about potential side effects is crucial. They may adjust your dosage or switch you to a different medicine with less impact on sexual health.

Healthy isn't harmful

Chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease can significantly impact sexual function. Diabetic men, for example, are three times more likely to experience erectile dysfunction than non-diabetic men. Managing chronic illness effectively, in collaboration with your healthcare provider, is critical. This involves adhering to prescribed treatments, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and regularly monitoring your condition.

Relationship woes

Apart from physical health, the quality of your relationship plays a significant role in your sexual health. Poor communication, lack of intimacy, and emotional problems can all contribute to sexual issues. Talking openly with your partner about your needs, desires, and concerns can help improve your sexual satisfaction and overall well-being.

Difficulties in a relationship can lead to stress and reduced sexual interest. Poor communication, unresolved arguments, and lack of closeness can all contribute to sexual problems. Open dialogue with your significant other is crucial to tackling these concerns. Look into couples therapy to help manage the underlying issues and enhance your relationship and sexual wellness.

Closing Thoughts

Gentlemen, prioritizing your sexual health is not only about avoiding present-day mishaps; it ensures you're ready for action in the future as well. Ponder this: how often have you been concerned about performance, yet failed to address the underlying factors that maintain your sexual fitness? It's high time to adjust your ways.

Stress management, a healthy diet, regular exercise, and quitting harmful habits like smoking comprise the cornerstones of a robust sex life. These aren't empty promises; they're practical actions you can take to preserve your sexual vitality. And if you're continuously facing challenges, don't bear it all alone. Bypassing a medical professional is not an admission of defeat; it's a shrewd move.

In June, National Men's Health Month is all about inciting guys to seize control of their well-being and effectuate the essential adjustments to enrich their lives. Embrace this moment to schedule that overdue physical examination, initiate a new exercise regimen, or seek assistance for any health problems you've been brushing aside.

You possess one mind, one body, and one life - ensure they are all functioning optimally.

Smoking is a leading cause of erectile dysfunction, and quitting can significantly improve a man's sexual health.

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