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Macron visits Saxony on the second day of his state trip.

For the first instance in 24 years, a president from France will conduct an official visit to Germany. The agenda also features journeys to Saxony.

Emmanuel Macron, Präsident von Frankreich, steht vor dem Schloss Moritzburg.
Emmanuel Macron, Präsident von Frankreich, steht vor dem Schloss Moritzburg.

President of France Tweets About French-American Partnership and Climate Change - Macron visits Saxony on the second day of his state trip.

Emmanuel Macron, the French president, visited Saxony on the second day of his trip to Germany. Michael Kretschmer, the Saxon minister president, welcomed him and his partner Brigitte at Dresden's Schloss Moritzburg. Also present were Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the federal president, and his wife Elke Büdenbender, as well as Annett Hofmann, the wife of the Saxon government leader. Macron's arrival was slightly delayed, causing excitement among the crowd gathered outside the castle.

In Dresden, Macron's itinerary includes a visit to the Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems, where a discussion about Artificial Intelligence and the European microchip industry is scheduled. Later in the day, he plans to deliver a European political speech at the Frauenkirche Church. Young people from Saxony, Poland, the Czech Republic, and France are expected to attend this event.

Macron and Brigitte began their nearly three-day stay in Berlin on Sunday. Macron stressed the importance of Franco-German relations for Europe at the beginning of his visit. On Monday morning, the final activity in Berlin was a memorial ceremony at the monument for the murdered Jews of Europe. This is the first time a French president has made a state visit to Germany in a quarter of a century.

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