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Macron justifies the upcoming election in France as vital for achieving "clarity."

Emmanuel Macron, President of France, has justified disbanding the National Assembly, claiming it's crucial for resolving the ongoing issues. During a press event in Paris yesterday, he leveled accusations against the left-wing populist party LFI (La France Insoumise), stating they created...

Emmanuel Macron
Emmanuel Macron

Macron justifies the upcoming election in France as vital for achieving "clarity."

The president took issue with the idea of an alliance between Eric Ciotti, head of right-wing Republicans, and the National Rally's (RN) strengthened right-wing populists for the National Assembly election. He claimed that the two parties are far from being in agreement, citing their contrasting stances on Ukraine and pensions.

During a press conference, Macron defended his government's balance, acknowledging its imperfections but highlighting its achievements. He urged those who reject the radicalism of the far right to come together. "We need to focus on security (...) and reduce unlawful immigration," he remarked, reflecting the right-wing populists' central themes.

He also expressed a need for a harsher approach towards juvenile violence. "The authority of the Republic must be demonstrated at all levels," he insisted. Additionally, Macron announced a debate on "laicité," the separate nature of religion and the state in France, which he plans to address, including the position of the Muslim community in society - a matter of frequent discussion among far-right populists.

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