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Macron honors murdered Jews with tribute at memorial site.

During his trip to Germany, French President Macron's final destination in Berlin is anticipated to be the most challenging. Afterwards, he will visit Saxony.

Emmanuel Macron, Präsident von Frankreich, besucht das Holocaust Mahnmal, das Denkmal für die...
Emmanuel Macron, Präsident von Frankreich, besucht das Holocaust Mahnmal, das Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas.

Official trip to another country - Macron honors murdered Jews with tribute at memorial site.

On his second trip to Germany, French President Emmanuel Macron honored the European Jews killed by Nazi Germany. Joined by German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, he stopped by the Holocaust Memorial, located next to the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin on Monday morning.

The two presidents each laid floral wreaths in the colors of their respective flags. Their wives, Brigitte Macron and Elke Büdenbender, joined them as well. The four of them ventured a few steps into the monument composed of huge concrete blocks before checking out the accompanying museum.

Over six million Jewish men and women were killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust. The majority of them perished in concentration and extermination camps.

Macron and his wife, Brigitte, arrived in Berlin on Sunday afternoon. This marked the first visit of a French president to Germany in 24 years. The stop at the Holocaust Memorial was the final event in Berlin. Next on the agenda was a trip to Dresden, where Macron was set to give a European speech later in the day in front of the Frauenkirche.

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During the state visit, Macron and Steinmeier visited the Holocaust Memorial, a significant monument in Berlin's history. The Brandenburg Gate, a symbol of Germany's unity and identity, served as the backdrop for their poignant tribute. The visit was a testament to the strong historical ties between France and Germany. As head of state, Steinmeier played a crucial role in honoring the Jews who lost their lives during World War II. Macron's visit marked a significant moment in the reconciliation process between France and Germany, two major European nations. Following the memorial visit, Macron was set to deliver a speech in Dresden, emphasizing the importance of unity and cooperation in Europe. Amidst the international community, the visit highlighted Germany's role as a nation committed to remembering its past and fostering peace.




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