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Macron disbands French National Assembly, schedules fresh polls for June 30th.

After the triumphant success of right-wing populists in France's European elections, President Emmanuel Macron disbanded the National Assembly and declared early parliamentary elections. Id' sustain the authority for the French populace to determine our parliamentary destiny through balloting,...

President Emmanuel Macron during his televised address
President Emmanuel Macron during his televised address

Macron disbands French National Assembly, schedules fresh polls for June 30th.

"This decision carries a significant amount of weight, but it's ultimately an act of trust," Macron stressed. During the European elections, the right-wing populist RN (National Rally) is estimated to have garnered roughly 32% of the votes. This is more than double the votes received by the government coalition, which is estimated to have secured around 15%. The Socialists are close behind with a mere one-point difference.

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