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Macron calls for unity amongst various groups: joint government.

After the disbandment of the French National Assembly, President Macron cautions against extreme viewpoints and underscores the requirement for a well-defined government plan.

Has announced new elections to the French parliament: Emmanuel Macron.
Has announced new elections to the French parliament: Emmanuel Macron.

Prior to the upcoming parliamentary voting - Macron calls for unity amongst various groups: joint government.

Emmanuel Macron, France's president, has urged Social Democrats, Conservatives, and Greens to team up with his center-based party in forming the next government. According to Macron, who spoke at a gathering in Paris, he's open to collaborating with anyone who doesn't belong to the far-left or far-right.

He stated, "I'm proposing, with great humility and determination, the resurgence of political life as we know it."

Macron believes, "It's possible for social democrats, radicals, environmentalists, Christian democrats, Gaullists, and many more non-extremist citizens and politicians to come together with these majorities, work hand in hand, and create a new vision for governing."

He cautioned the public against the potential threats posed by the far-left and far-right slates, which failed to unite on any issues and would be unable to form a majority in the legislature. "I'm certain that only the political forces that currently constitute the presidential majority have the capacity to develop a coherent, practical, and forward-thinking government proposal," said Macron.

In response to the shocking defeat of his liberal party members in the European elections and the overwhelming victory of the far-right on Sunday night, Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly and called for fresh elections for the French parliamentary chamber. His presidency won't be affected.

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