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Macron attends act of mourning for Schäuble

French President Emmanuel Macron intends to attend the funeral service for former Bundestag President and Federal Minister Wolfgang Schäuble. This was confirmed by the French Élysée Palace to the German Press Agency in Paris on Thursday. Stern had previously reported on this. A speech by Macron...

People - Macron attends act of mourning for Schäuble

French President Emmanuel Macron intends to attend the funeral service for former Bundestag President and Federal Minister Wolfgang Schäuble. This was confirmed by the French Élysée Palace to the German Press Agency in Paris on Thursday. Stern had previously reported on this. A speech by Macron is also planned. The Élysée Palace did not initially comment on this.

The Bundestag plans to host the commemoration ceremony ordered by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on January 22 in the plenary chamber of the Reichstag building in Berlin. Hundreds of guests from Germany and abroad are expected to attend.

CDU politician Schäuble died on Boxing Day after a long and serious illness. He will be buried this Friday in his home town of Offenburg. There will be a publicly broadcast funeral service and a funeral procession.

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