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Local parliaments face a harder time with election outcomes.

After the local elections in Saxony, all districts now have an AfD majority. This could potentially complicate the creation of factual policies in district councils and city councils.

A woman drops the envelope containing the ballot paper for the local elections into a ballot box.
A woman drops the envelope containing the ballot paper for the local elections into a ballot box.

Collective organizations, umbrella groups - Local parliaments face a harder time with election outcomes.

The recent municipal elections in Saxony are expected to bring more complexity to the local political scene, according to Henry Graichen, President of the Saxon County Association. "Things are getting more complicated as the political spectrum continues to fracture in district and municipal councils," he told the German Press Agency. This shift away from traditional party politics towards focusing on specific issues is not a new development, but rather a shift that has been happening in municipalities for some time now.

Mischa Woitschek, Managing Director of the Saxon City and Community Association, believes that the outcome of this election isn't going to make policy decisions any easier for many cities and municipalities. However, he also points out that one of the strengths of municipal politics lies in the fact that most decisions are made based on the issue at hand, rather than strict party lines. "In smaller and medium-sized cities and municipalities, it's not common for party politics to be as polarized as it is in state parliaments or the Bundestag," he explained to the German Press Agency.

From Woitschek's perspective, the AFDI, CDU, and voter alliances are likely to have a significant presence in most city and municipal councils. "The other established parties, except for the CDU, may have found themselves quite far behind federal politics – even though decisions at the municipal level cannot be directly influenced by them," he cautioned.

Interestingly, the AFDI stands in first place in all ten districts after the election results were tallied. Two large cities, Dresden and Chemnitz, have also fallen under their control. The Saxon Constitutional Protection Agency has labeled their state association as right-wing extremist, a classification that the party is currently challenging in court. Just five years ago, the CDU managed to win eight out of the ten districts, with the AFDI coming in second in Chemnitz, third in Dresden, and fourth in Leipzig.

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The upcoming municipal elections in Saxony,set to take place on Sunday, are anticipated to introduce more intricacy to the local political sphere, as per Henry Graichen, President of the Saxon County Association. The AfD is projected to make a substantial impact in these local elections, following their strong performance in the recent district elections. The election result will likely see the AFDI, CDU, and voter alliances holding significant seats in numerous city and municipal councils. This shift towards issue-based politics and the emergence of new parties like the AfD are posing challenges for traditional parties like the CDU in Saxony's local elections. The outcome of the elections will undoubtedly make policy decisions more challenging for many municipalities in the region, as highlighted by Mischa Woitschek, Managing Director of the Saxon City and Community Association.



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