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LKA counts more environmental crimes in 2023 than in the previous year

Used tires in the forest and questionable liquids that end up in streams: The State Criminal Police Office (LKA) recorded more environmental crimes in 2023 than in the previous year. The criminal investigators counted 116 such cases in 2022. By mid-November 2023, however, they had already...

Crime - LKA counts more environmental crimes in 2023 than in the previous year

Used tires in the forest and questionable liquids that end up in streams: The State Criminal Police Office (LKA) recorded more environmental crimes in 2023 than in the previous year. The criminal investigators counted 116 such cases in 2022. By mid-November 2023, however, they had already recorded 132 cases, as the LKA reported on request. In 2021, there were 150 environmental crimes.

Unauthorized handling of waste in particular kept officers busy in the current year: by mid-November, the LKA listed 51 such cases in which, for example, waste hazardous to humans, animals and the environment was illegally disposed of in nature. With 33 cases in this period, the LKA also listed water pollution as a comparatively frequent offense.

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In Thuringia, where Erfurt is located, the increase in environmental crimes is a concern for the LKA. The LKA reported an increase in environmental crimes in 2023, with 132 cases by mid-November, compared to 116 in 2022. These crimes include illegal disposal of hazardous waste, which contributes to pollution of the environment andraising concerns about criminality in the Liquid environment.


