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Leclerc on championship battle: "I'm not considering the World Championship"

Ferrari's Charles Leclerc triumphs at Monaco Grand Prix, buoyed by a celebratory pizza pre-race. Leclerc remains grounded while contesting for the world championship.

Charles Leclerc hat erstmals sein Formel-1-Heimrennen in Monaco gewonnen.
Charles Leclerc hat erstmals sein Formel-1-Heimrennen in Monaco gewonnen.

Formula 1 Racing Championships - Leclerc on championship battle: "I'm not considering the World Championship"

Following his emotional home win at Monaco, Ferrari's Charles Leclerc still doesn't see himself as a favorite for the F1 championship. "I'm not focusing on the title yet; it's still early in the season," the 26-year-old said after his Sunday Grand Prix victory in his hometown. Leclerc triumphed in his native country for the first time in almost two years, now trailing world champion Max Verstappen by 31 points in second place in overall standings.

"It's just one win; the season is still long, but it means a lot to me emotionally," stated Leclerc about his remarkable victory in front of many friends and family. After the race, he celebrated with Ferrari team boss Fred Vasseur by jumping into the harbor in his racing suit, enjoying a joyful bath. Despite this success, he remains cautious. "I'm pleased with the moment, and I hope there will be more such victories. But it doesn't guarantee that will happen throughout the season," he noted.

Leclerc had faced setbacks in Monaco previously, never making it to the podium here. This time, he held on to his pole position, ensuring his win in the eighth season's race, even though he'd experienced more stress than desired the night before. "I couldn't cook anything because I got home so late. So I just ordered my favorite pizza," said Leclerc. He enjoyed a Margherita pizza with smoked ham, had a restful sleep, and emerged fully rested for the race.

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