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Just a PR coup: Snoop Dogg remains Smoke Dogg

Rapper becomes smoke-free differently

He laughs: Snoop Dogg's announced abstinence from weed turned out to be a PR
He laughs: Snoop Dogg's announced abstinence from weed turned out to be a PR

Just a PR coup: Snoop Dogg remains Smoke Dogg

He teased everyone: US rapper Snoop Doog caused a stir on social media with his announcement that he wanted to "give up smoking". Only a short time later, he clarifies exactly what he means. He will remain true to his beloved joints.

Last week, rapper and self-confessed long-time marijuana user Snoop Dogg caused a stir. In a weighty-sounding Instagram post on November 16, the hip-hop star wrote: "After much thought and discussion with my family, I have decided to quit smoking. Please respect my privacy at this time." In view of the rapper's social media post, many observers thought that he was planning to give up his marijuana use. But that is not the case. Rapper Meek Mill had recently announced that he wanted to follow his example.

Because Snoop Dogg has made another Instagram post. In it, the 52-year-old reveals that his announcement that he wants to become "smoke-free" was merely an advertisement for the manufacturer of a "smoke-free fireplace". "I've had enough of coughing and smelly clothes," says Snoop Dogg in his new video on Instagram, before reiterating: "I'm going smoke-free". This is exactly what the advertised fireplaces from a US manufacturer would enable him to do. "They remove the smoke. Clever", says the rapper.

Last week, many of the musician's fans had already questioned the sincerity of his statements. "I don't believe you", wrote one user on Instagram at the time. Enthusiastic comments from his fans are now piling up under Snoop Dogg's new Instagram post. "Snoop is a marketing genius", they say, for example. Another person comments: "I knew it. He never said 'smoking marijuana', just 'smoking'". Another user states that the rapper is currently enjoying himself in the knowledge that he has "fooled the whole world".

The rapper has been a self-confessed marijuana user since the beginning of his career and repeatedly addresses the use of the drug in his music. Many of his business decisions and media appearances have also revolved around the drug. In 2013, the artist, who is one of the richest rappers in the world, told GQ magazine that he smokes 80 blunts, tobacco leaves filled with marijuana, every day. The rapper also employs a personal "blunt roller". Last year, she estimated that Snoop Dogg had already rolled"over 450,000 joints".


