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Jury weighs decision in firearm trial involving Hunter Biden

President Biden's son faces a trial for allegedly hiding his drug addiction when purchasing a gun in 2018. The verdict is imminent.

If convicted, Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison.
If convicted, Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison.

A verdict in the trial of Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden, may come soon. Jurors have retired to Wilmington, Delaware, and are expected to continue their discussions today. The younger Biden stands accused of lying about his background when acquiring a firearm in October 2018 and hiding his history of drug addiction at the time. The proceedings add an unwelcome burden to the Biden family, potentially influencing the Democratic Party's performance in the upcoming election.

A guilty verdict could result in 25 years behind bars for Hunter Biden, although the judge, in this case, may show leniency due to the defendant's lack of previous convictions. The timing of the decision is unknown, and discussions could go on for several days. A unanimous decision by the 12-member panel is necessary for a verdict to be reached; a stalemate could result in the case collapsing.

The defense urged the jurors to acquit Biden, who has pleaded not guilty, according to reports in the "Washington Post." On the other hand, the prosecution argued, "If the evidence didn't show that Biden was a crack addict in 2018 when he bought the gun, then no one is a crack addict," noted the prosecutor, Derek Hines. The high-profile case has aired several personal details belonging to Hunter Biden, such as his daughter's name, Naomi, as well as testimony from former partners. Hunter's drug addiction, which he has admitted to publicly, is under scrutiny in this case.

The President's son has made the headlines on multiple occasions previously. He has faced issues like alcoholism, drug addiction, and scandalous business deals. Early in December, he was also charged with tax evasion in California. The trial for firearm-related charges has revealed a number of personal matters involving Hunter Biden, presenting a complex backdrop.

Joe Biden has not attended the trial in person. However, other family members, including First Lady Jill Biden and Hunter's stepmother, have shown solidarity. It is uncharacteristic for a First Lady to spend days in a courtroom, while it is not surprising for the President's son to be facing legal action. Jill Biden even postponed a joint trip to France to appear in court.

The US President is running for a second term in the November elections. His son's legal issues have provided an opportunity for political attacks. Last week, Biden stated that he would not issue a pardon if convicted. In contrast, his predecessor, Donald Trump, has hinted at potentially overturning verdicts should he win the next elections. However, Trump cannot interfere in a New York trial, as unlike Biden, he has been found guilty of illegal campaign financing. The sentencing remains pending. Trump is also facing charges related to electoral fraud and taking classified government materials. These cases have yet to begin.

Read also:

  1. The US media is closely following the criminal proceedings against Hunter Biden in Wilmington, Delaware.
  2. The purchase of weapons by Hunter Biden in October 2018 is a key point in the firearm trial, with allegations of lies about his background.
  3. The jury's decision in the trial could impact the upcoming elections in the USA, potentially affecting the Democratic Party's performance.
  4. If found guilty, Hunter Biden could face up to 25 years in prison, but the judge may show leniency due to the defendant's lack of previous convictions.
  5. The high-profile trial has brought up personal details about Hunter Biden, including his drug addiction and involvement with crack, which he has publicly admitted to.
  6. The President's son's legal issues are being used as ammunition in the election campaign by political opponents, with Joe Biden stating he would not issue a pardon if convicted.
  7. The government's weapons law is being tested in this trial, as Hunter Biden is accused of lying about his drug addiction during the firearm purchase process.
  8. Donald Trump, the former US President, has hinted at potentially overturning verdicts should he win the next elections, but cannot interfere in this New York trial due to his previous conviction.
  9. Hunter Biden's trial is just one of several legal matters facing prominent figures in the USA, with Trump also facing charges related to electoral fraud and taking classified government materials.



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