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Johann Lafer: Food from childhood to today as a benchmark

For TV chef Johann Lafer, food is strongly associated with emotions. He particularly likes to remember one particular dish.

TV chef Johann Lafer says: "Taste is not innate, it is acquired."
TV chef Johann Lafer says: "Taste is not innate, it is acquired."

Cook - Johann Lafer: Food from childhood to today as a benchmark

In his own words, TV chef Johann Lafer has fond memories of the food he ate as a child. "Today, the pure taste of my childhood is the benchmark for everything. If I want to eat sauerkraut as good as it was back then, I have to search for a long time. Of course, this is also linked to emotions," the 66-year-old told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung newspaper.

"I've seen how my mother used to carry the cabbage heads home with a wheelbarrow. It went into a vat where we children ran around in it with bare feet, and she always sprinkled salt, juniper berries and bay leaves in between. And then we had sauerkraut on the first or second day of Christmas. That was my taste development - taste is not innate, it's acquired."

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