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Joe Biden's actions at the G7 gathering are currently under scrutiny.

Annoying thing to behold

Several parachutists land on the golf course.
Several parachutists land on the golf course.

Joe Biden's actions at the G7 gathering are currently under scrutiny.

During the G7 summit in Italy, time is of the essence. Even so, group photos are significant. Yet, US President Biden appears to be losing focus on a golf course in southern Italy and requires assistance from the host, Giorgia Meloni.

In November, Joe Biden will once again strive for re-election as the US President. But the question remains: is the 81-year-old still up to the task? A moment during the ongoing Sicily G7 summit brings this into question.

In a clip, assembled leaders of state and government marvel at several parachutists on a course in Southern Italy. Italian army members land around the group.

However, Biden diverts attention away from the parachutists and moves a few steps away. He is then snatched by the hostess Meloni and guided back. Was Biden drawn to something other than the representatives of the other G7 nations, or was he merely confused?

A Cogent Explanation

Several parachutists land on the golf course.

There have been recent concerns regarding Biden's health. In recent weeks, it has been apparent on numerous occasions that Biden appears to be staring vacantly into space or struggles to leave a stage.

But in Sicily, there could have been a valid reason for Biden to direct his gaze elsewhere. Two additional soldiers can be seen in a margin of the viral video, unpacking their parachutes - to which Biden responds with a nod of acknowledgment.

Nevertheless, the ensuing scene raises concerns: In slow motion, the 81-year-old places his sunglasses on his face - and remains motionless for a few moments, transforming into a figurine of salt.

The Republicans, particularly Donald Trump, who is very likely to contend against Biden in November, frequently employ such instances to ridicule and mock the eldest President in US history. "Sleepy Joe" was a prevalent moniker for his opponent from Trump in 2020. If Biden loses the election to Trump in November, the latter would displace Biden as the oldest President in history, being 78 on June 14, and 82 by the end of his potential term.

Meloni also looks in a completely different direction at times.

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