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Joachim Król thinks a lot of the car

Actor Joachim Król likes to take the train, but doesn't want to miss out on driving. Why?

Iris Berben and un Joachim Krol at the premiere of their movie "791 km".
Iris Berben and un Joachim Krol at the premiere of their movie "791 km".

Actors - Joachim Król thinks a lot of the car

Actor Joachim Król says he generally likes long-distance train journeys, but he has a lot to gain from the car. "With a car, you can throw everything in and think about what you need later," the 66-year-old told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung newspaper. With the train, on the other hand, you have to be prepared, partly because it is no longer as reliable.

However, he sees a clear discrepancy between theory and reality when it comes to long-distance rail travel. "The idea of a train journey is good, of course: you get on in Cologne, pack your laptop, have a delicious meal in the dining car and get off on time in Berlin," says Król. "In reality, unfortunately, you don't have the internet, you're late and the only hot drink in the dining car is beer."

By his own admission, he uses the 49-euro ticket designed for local transport. He has been taking the bus ever since the ticket was introduced. "Even if I probably don't make use of the ticket."

Król, who was born in the Ruhr town of Herne, played supporting roles in cinema hits such as "Der bewegte Mann" and "Lola rennt" in the 90s and later became known to a wider audience as a Frankfurt "Tatort" investigator.

This Thursday, "791 km" will be released in cinemas. In it, he can be seen alongside Iris Berben. It is about four travelers who actually wanted to take the train from Hamburg to Munich, but end up in a cab because of a storm. Król plays the initially taciturn cab driver who has to come to terms with the group of travelers.

Read also:

  1. Joachim Król, originally from North Rhine-Westphalia's Ruhr town of Herne, prefers the convenience of a car during his journeys, despite his fondness for long-distance train rides.
  2. In the new movie "791 km," Joachim Król, known for his roles in German cinematography, plays a taciturn cab driver who transports passengers stranded due to a storm instead of taking the train to Munich.
  3. The Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung newspaper reported that Joachim Król frequently uses the 49-euro ticket, designed for local transport, for his bus rides, even though he admittedly may not fully utilize its benefits.
  4. Despite the aged railroad infrastructure and unreliable service, Joachim Król expressed that he still appreciates the idea of a scenic train journey, where one can relax, eat, and work, but in practice, encounter technical issues and tardiness.
  5. Travelers in Germany, like those in "791 km," may sometimes have to opt for alternative transportation options, such as taxis, due to unfavorable weather conditions that disruptions the train service, altering their travel plans.


