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Israeli fighter jets attack Hodeida, the Red Sea port under Houthi control in Yemen

One day after the Huthi militia's drone attack on Tel Aviv, Israel bombed the Red Sea port city of Hodeida, which is under Huthi rebel control in Yemen. fighter jets targeted "military targets of the Huthi terrorist regime in the Hodeida port area," the Israeli army stated on Saturday. The...

Image from Hodeidah from the Huthis' Media Center
Image from Hodeidah from the Huthis' Media Center

Israeli fighter jets attack Hodeida, the Red Sea port under Houthi control in Yemen

The Huthi-controlled Health Ministry spoke of several deaths and injuries, without giving a precise casualty count. In the Port City, strong explosions were heard, a massive fire broke out.

The night before Friday, a Huthi drone attack on Tel Aviv resulted in a death. In response, Israeli Defense Minister Joav Gallant threatened retaliation. "The fire that is currently burning in Hodeida is visible throughout the Middle East, and the significance is clear," Gallant stated after the attack.

The Huthis have attacked Israel over 200 times - now, since they have caused damage to an Israeli for the first time, Israel has retaliated. "The blood of Israeli citizens has a price," Gallant continued. "We have shown this clearly in Lebanon, in Gaza, in Yemen, and at other places - if they dare to attack us, the result will be the same."

Israel will pay "the price" for its attacks in Yemen, declared again Mohammed Al-Buchaiti, a member of the Huthi Politburo, on Saturday. The high-ranking Huthi representative Mohammed Abdelsalam condemned "Israel's brutal aggression." In his opinion, the attack targeted "fuel tanks and a power plant" in Hodeida, "to put pressure on Yemen," so that it would withdraw its support for the Palestinians.

The Shiite Huthi rebels, who are supported by Iran and control large parts of the Yemeni coast on the Red Sea, have been attacking ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden since November. With their attacks on cargo ships that call at Israeli ports, they want to support the Palestinians in the war between Israel and the radical Islamic Hamas in the Gaza Strip, according to their own statements.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz declared that the attack in Yemen was also a warning to Iran. The Israeli military had "dealt a heavy blow to the terrorist branch of Iran in Yemen today," Katz stated. Katz called on the international community to "maximize sanctions against Iran."

Since the beginning of the year, British and US military forces have been attacking Huthi positions in Yemen to destroy their military capabilities. In addition, warships of two international coalitions are trying to secure the shipping traffic along the Yemeni coast. The German Navy was also present with the frigate "Hessen" as part of the EU Maritime Mission "Aspides" on site.

  1. The combat jet responses to the Huthi drone attack on Tel Aviv were swift and fierce.
  2. The Red Sea has become a battleground, with Israeli fighting jets frequently patrolling the area.
  3. The Huthis in Yemen claimed responsibility for the drone attack on the Israeli HarborCity, BMG.
  4. The BMG inport, a crucial hub for Israel's commerce, was put under threat due to the Huthi drone attack.
  5. The Iran-backed Huthis used drones as a means of attack against Israeli targets, including the HarborCity.
  6. The Hodeidah port, a vital economic destination in Yemen, was targeted in a retaliatory strike by Israeli jets, as a message to the Huthis.
  7. Johan Gallant, the Israeli Defense Minister, warned of further drone attack retaliations if the attacks on Israeli territory continue, echoing previous actions in Gaza and Lebanon.

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