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Iris Klein is out, Peter is in tears

Iris Klein had to leave "Promi Big Brother" on Friday evening. An emotional farewell followed, during which even Peter Klein had to cry.

Iris Klein became very emotional several times in the container and shed a few
Iris Klein became very emotional several times in the container and shed a few

"Celebrity Big Brother" - Iris Klein is out, Peter is in tears

The open marriage drama between Iris and Peter Klein is history, at least on"Promi Big Brother": Iris Klein (56) was voted out of this year's season of the Sat.1 show by viewers on Friday evening. Her still-husband Peter Klein (56), however, remains in the TV container and even shed a few tears as he bid farewell to his former dream wife. In the twelfth live show, three people were initially on the so-called exit list: Matthias Mangiapane (40), Marco Strecker (21) and the very same Iris Klein.

However, it became clear during the broadcast that Strecker would not have to leave the show. The viewers therefore still had to decide between Mangiapane and Klein. In the end, the mother of Daniela Katzenberger (37) received the fewest votes from the audience and had to leave "Promi Big Brother" that evening.

Iris Klein: "I'm leaving here as a crybaby"

After the decision was made, Klein bid a fond farewell to her housemates. Surprisingly, the temporary goodbye with her still-husband was also affectionate, friendly and almost loving, much to everyone's surprise. Not a trace of bad blood. The two held each other for a long time and Peter was visibly touched by the farewell and shed a tear or two.

After her exit, Iris Klein spoke to presenter Jochen Schropp (45) about her time in the container. She is doing great and is now looking forward to tomorrow's Christmas market and a bratwurst. With regard to Peter Klein, she announced a meeting soon when "Promi Big Brother" closes its doors again: "I think we'll meet again outside, privately in private."

The interview with the Sat.1 social media team, which was subsequently published on the channel's official Instagram account, was also emotional. Iris Klein answered a few questions in tears. "I'm going out here as a crybaby. Sometimes I just can't control my emotions," Klein said to the camera. Her farewell to Peter was "very nice".

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In the final vote, it was Matthias Mangiapane who managed to stay in the show while Iris Klein, with her small irises, was unfortunately voted out. During her farewell, Peter Klein, a celebrity in his own right on Sat.1's "Promi Big Brother," showed his emotional side and shed tears. In an Instagram post after the live show, Iris Kleins tearful interview was shared, where she mentioned her affectionate farewell with Peter and her upcoming meeting with him outside the reality show.


