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Interior senator endorse operation targeting Muslim organization

Iris Spranger, Berlin's Interior Senator, praised the recent crackdown on the German-speaking Muslim Community (DMG) in Braunschweig and Berlin. Speaking on Wednesday, Spranger expressed her disapproval of "inhumane ideologies," which she deemed unacceptable. This incursion targets the DMG's...

Iris Spranger (SPD), Berlin Senator for the Interior and Sport.
Iris Spranger (SPD), Berlin Senator for the Interior and Sport.

Radical beliefs or behaviors. - Interior senator endorse operation targeting Muslim organization

On Wednesday morning, authorities combed through rooms belonging to an association in Braunschweig and two flats in Berlin. This is in connection with measures to enforce a ban on the association, the Lower Saxony Interior Ministry's spokesperson revealed. The ban effectively prohibits future actions by the association's former members as well as any activities conducted on their behalf by third parties.

In a June 2023 statement concerning the constitutional protection report, the Lower Saxony Interior Ministry declared that the German-speaking Muslim Community in Braunschweig had emerged as a crucial hub for Salafist preachers across Germany.

Altogether, eight rooms were inspected, two of which were located in Berlin. The Berlin dwellings are reportedly the abodes of visiting preachers who are affiliated with Salafism. One of these individuals is said to be particularly well-known in the scene.

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