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A rain gutter overflows.
A rain gutter overflows.

Current climate conditions - Intense rainfall prompts various endeavors in Mannheim.

Heavy rainstorms caused a surge in fire department interventions throughout Mannheim. Most incidents occurred in the Seckenheim district, where cellars were submerged underwater on Thursday night. In certain areas, roads also flooded. Firefighters used submersible pumps and water vacuums to tackle the situation. Fortunately, no one was harmed, according to their reports.

Read also:

  1. The heavy rainfall in Mannheim resulted in weather conditions that required extensive operations from the local fire department.
  2. The Seckenheim district experienced severe flooding due to the heavy rainfall, prompting multiple interventions from the Mannheim fire department.
  3. The fire department in Mannheim managed the situation caused by the heavy rainfall using submersible pumps and water vacuums, preventing any significant damage or harm in the district.
  4. Despite the intense rainfall and subsequent flooding in Mannheim, the weather in Baden-Württemberg as a whole did not require any extraordinary interventions from the local fire departments.



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