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Inflation rate in Rhineland-Palatinate down slightly

Prices are rising, but somewhat less sharply. Consumers will have to dig deeper into their pockets for some foods in particular.

Consumers will have to dig a little deeper into their pockets for vegetables.
Consumers will have to dig a little deeper into their pockets for vegetables.

Inflation - Inflation rate in Rhineland-Palatinate down slightly

Descending vegetable and heating oil prices have slightly dampened inflation in Rhineland-Palatinate in June, according to the Statistical Office in Bad Ems. Consumer prices in June were 2.6 percent above the level of the previous year's month. In May, the inflation rate was 2.8 percent and in April it was 2.6 percent.

Energy prices, as reported by statisticians, were overall higher in June than in the previous year's month, but the increase was much lower than the general inflation rate, at plus 0.8 percent. For heating oil, for example, there were price decreases of 3.6 percent and for electricity, 1.1 percent. Fuel prices are expected to be 0.5 percent lower within a year.

Food prices, according to the Office, were only one percent higher than in the previous year's month and had a dampening effect on inflation like the energy prices. Vegetables were three percent cheaper than in the previous year's month. The prices for fish, fish products and seafood, as well as for dairy products and eggs, were also lower (minus 2.7 and minus 2.2 percent).

  1. The decreased heating oil prices in June, as reported by the Statistical Office in Rhineland-Palatinate's State Office in Bad Ems, contributed to the milder inflation impact.
  2. Despite the overall rise in energy prices, the increase for heating oil specifically was lower than the inflation rate, with a decrease of 3.6% observed in June.
  3. Consumers in Rhineland-Palatinate are benefiting from the low inflation rate, as indicated by the Statistical Office, with prices for various goods like heating oil and vegetables being lower compared to the previous year.
  4. The State Office in Bad Ems highlighted that food prices, including vegetables, fish, and dairy products, contributed to the dampening effect on inflation in Rhineland-Palatinate, with prices even decreasing for certain items like heating oil and vegetables.
  5. In the coming year, fuel prices, including heating oil, are expected to experience a further decrease of 0.5% according to the Statistical Office in Rhineland-Palatinate's State Office in Bad Ems.

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