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Industry happy about planned expansion of wind power

The wind energy industry has welcomed the state government's plans for more wind power in Schleswig-Holstein. "The black-green government has recognized that significantly more areas are needed for wind energy on the way to climate neutrality and is now also fulfilling the federal...

Wind turbines illuminated with signal lamps turn after sunset.
Wind turbines illuminated with signal lamps turn after sunset.

Energy transition - Industry happy about planned expansion of wind power

The wind energy sector has welcomed the state government's plans for more wind power in Schleswig-Holstein. "The black-green government has recognized that significantly more areas are needed for wind energy on the way to climate neutrality and is now also fulfilling the federal requirements," said Marcus Hrach, Managing Director of the State Association for Renewable Energies, on Tuesday.

The cabinet had decided to increase the installed capacity of onshore wind power from 7.9 to 15 gigawatts by 2030. In future, three instead of two percent of the state's land area is to be made available for this purpose.

"However, in order to achieve the 2030 energy policy target, state planning is still required to designate new, developable areas for modern wind turbines as quickly as possible," said Hrach. It would be far too late to complete the planning until 2027. The areas currently designated are already largely built on and planned.

According to the association, important changes to the new planning should be brought forward. Earlier "repowering" outside of designated priority areas could bridge the period until the legally binding designation of new areas. This would counteract a decline in approvals. Repowering refers to the replacement of old turbines with new ones. The planned elimination of three times the height of a wind turbine in relation to residential buildings and five times the height in relation to settlements must also be implemented as quickly as possible.

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