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Increased safety precautions for local and European voting.

Many regional parliaments and EU officials are set to be chosen three and a half months prior to the state polls in Brandenburg. What makes this election cycle unique:

Der Brandenburger Landeswahlleiter Herbert Trimbach, aufgenommen während einer Pressekonferenz zum...
Der Brandenburger Landeswahlleiter Herbert Trimbach, aufgenommen während einer Pressekonferenz zum anstehenden Superwahljahr 2024 in Brandenburg.

Brandenburg Experiences Remarkable Transformation - Increased safety precautions for local and European voting.

Due to anticipated disturbances, security measures for the municipal and European elections in Brandenburg on June 9th have been heightened. "We have heightened awareness among the security authorities for this election," said Herbert Trimbach, the state electoral officer in Potsdam on Monday. The police are on high alert, prepared to respond to "all possible attacks." Former head of the police department in the Interior Ministry added, "We are providing security without fail."

Attacks on politicians and election posters have already occurred during the campaign. The Greens, in particular, have been affected, with many election posters either torn down, soiled, or ripped. The Greens' former chairwoman in the European Parliament, Brandenburg native Ska Keller, described "an unimaginable increase in attacks" and mentioned the frequent threats received.

With anticipation towards the September 9th state elections, 2.1 million citizens will be participating in the simultaneous municipal and European elections in Brandenburg. Approximately 20,000 candidates are running for office, with elections for 14 district councils, four city councils, district council assemblies, and municipal councils, along with honorary mayors.

Over 31,000 election helpers are required nationwide for these elections, but a shortage of around 1,000 helpers could occur. Spokesman for the police headquarters, Stefanie Pilz, mentioned that this isn't a major issue, as she believes there will be enough available.

The time when a preliminary result for the municipal elections will be announced remains uncertain. Under the Electoral Law, the election officer or electoral officer can appoint more counting officials and continue the counting process on a second day. Results from the 2019 elections were available at 5:30 a.m. on Monday, but the counting process is lengthy and includes three votes per eligible voter that can be distributed among candidates.

In Brandenburg's European elections, there are 34 candidates to choose from on the ballot. A statewide preliminary result for the European elections is expected to be available earlier, as polling stations close in the last EU country by 11:00 p.m., necessitating an on-time publication of the results.

Aides for the blind and visually impaired are available for Brandenburg's European elections, including voting slips and an audio CD with party information about their positions. The Brandenburg Blind and Visually Impaired Association's Bodo Rinas estimates that 4,000 to 5,000 blind individuals and 10,000 to 15,000 visually impaired individuals live in Brandenburg, for whom these aides would be helpful.

The State Electoral Officer for the upcoming municipal elections and the European elections in 2024 and 2024, respectively, are still to be appointed.

Aids for the European election for the blind and visually impaired

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