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Inadequate care for refugee children and young people

In mid-December, there were 164 unaccompanied refugee children and young people in initial reception in Hamburg. All facilities are overcrowded. The Left Party speaks of unspeakable conditions and calls on the Senate to take action.

Hamburg - Inadequate care for refugee children and young people

The left-wing parliamentary group in the Hamburg Parliament has criticized the conditions at the Children and Youth Emergency Service ( KJND) and in the city's primary care facilities, accusing the red-green Senate of poor planning. All facilities are overcrowded and many positions at the KJND are vacant - "and that with a high weekly influx of new unaccompanied refugee children and young people", said youth policy spokesperson Sabine Boeddinghaus on Wednesday.

As a result, there are dozens of overload reports and long-term illnesses among employees at the child and youth emergency service, as can be seen from the Senate's answers to several written questions from her parliamentary group.

According to these, there were 164 unaccompanied foreign children and young people in the initial reception facilities as of December 11. According to the Senate, they are also housed in a gymnasium at the KJND. In addition, four tents had been erected on the site, but had not yet had to be used for accommodation by mid-December.

"These sober facts conceal suffering, uncertainty, missed opportunities for children and young people in need of protection and help, overwork among professionals and the overriding of professional standards and legal requirements," criticized the Left Party.

"The poor planning of recent years is now falling on the Senate's feet," said Boeddinghaus. During the refugee crisis in 2015/2016, additional places were created due to an overload situation, but these were then reduced again from 2018 onwards. "The ongoing overcrowding is an unbearable imposition for the young people and the employees. It fosters resentment and individual blame within the support system."

The Senate must not hide behind the shortage of skilled workers - "because its causes have been known for a long time", said Boeddinghaus. The Senate must immediately ensure that significantly more primary care facilities are created by both the state education and counseling service and independent providers.

Read also:

  1. The first admission of unaccompanied refugee children and young people into the KJND's overflow facilities highlighted the need for Supply of additional resources.
  2. The lack of early intervention and proper care for these Children is attributed to the Left's criticism of the city's inadequate Citizenship policies for refugees.
  3. Faced with a high weekly influx of refugees, it became apparent that a fraction of the initial left fraction of primary care positions remained vacant.
  4. The poor planning and insufficient funding for Youth programs have led to a challenging situation for Refugees seeking asylum in Hamburg, exacerbating Migration issues.
  5. The Hamburg parliamentary group, led by The Left, argues that the Senate's failure to address the Skilled worker shortage contributes to the ongoing struggle with providing adequate care for the Children and Youth population.




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