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IG Metall Küste harbors lofty hopes for the upcoming collective bargaining negotiations.

Over 240 delegates from IG Metall Küste are currently engaging in talks at Timmendorfer Strand, with the primary topics being increased pay and reduced work hours. The union has not disclosed particular requests thus far.

A man has a whistle in his mouth.
A man has a whistle in his mouth.

Customs duties - IG Metall Küste harbors lofty hopes for the upcoming collective bargaining negotiations.

The IG Metall Coast approaches the upcoming round of collective bargaining in the Metal and Electro industry with anticipation. Union members are seeking wage agreements that level out purchasing power, which has been negatively impacted by inflation. This is particularly crucial for trainees who have been hardest hit by increasing living costs. The union didn't disclose specific wage requests yet.

A survey conducted among more than 26,000 of the union's 178,000 members in Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Nordwestniedersachsen, and Schleswig-Holstein revealed that a majority of those polled, in addition to increased pay, also craved greater autonomy over their work schedule. 85% of those surveyed emphasized the significance of work schedule flexibility. Pension and retirement security were also deemed important issues.

The IG Metall Coast plans to broaden the scope of converting pay into free time in the realm of working hours. "Currently, this flexibility is only available to employees with children under eight years old, those taking care of relatives, and shift workers. We want to apply this model to voluntary and non-shift workers as well," said Friedrich.

The IG Metall board will suggest specific demands on June 17, and the local tariff commission will vote on them on June 21. The industry's peace obligation expires on October 28.

Bargaining talks with the Nordmetall employers are slated to commence in September.

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