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Hundreds at peace demonstration at the Brandenburg Gate

In low temperatures and drizzling rain, around 2000 people protest against the war in Ukraine and arms deliveries. Also taking part: Sahra Wagenknecht.

Politician Sahra Wagenknecht during her speech at the peace
Politician Sahra Wagenknecht during her speech at the peace

Hundreds at peace demonstration at the Brandenburg Gate

Hundreds of people gathered at the start of a peace demonstration against the war in Ukraine and arms deliveries on Saturday afternoon in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

A police spokeswoman estimated the number of participants at around 2000 a few minutes after the start of the event at 1 p.m. The police have registered 10,000 participants. Shortly after the event began, former Left Party politician Sahra Wagenknecht, who is currently founding a new party, took to the stage for a speech.

In low temperatures and drizzling rain, demonstrators held up signs with inscriptions such as "Never again war" or a picture of a dove of peace. Several posters referred to the Gaza war.

"No to wars - stop the arms madness"

The demonstration took place under the slogan "No to wars - stop the arms madness - shape a peaceful and just future". The initiators condemn both the Russian attack and NATO. They are calling for a ceasefire and negotiations with Russia.

After the rally, the demonstrators wanted to walk through the government district and end with another rally at the Brandenburg Gate.

Parallel to the event, several hundred activists from the climate protection group Letzte Generation blocked the Straße des 17. The blockade on the section of road between the Victory Column and the Brandenburg Gate began at 12 noon and was to last until 5 pm.

Sahra Wagenknecht, the former Left Party politician who's currently founding a new party, delivered a speech during the peace demonstration against the war in Ukraine and arms deliveries, urging for "No to wars - stop the arms madness" and advocating for a peaceful and just future. The demonstrators, despite the chilly weather and drizzle, continued their protest with signs like "Never again war" and "Demonstrations" were still ongoing, with some posters even referring to the Gaza war.




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