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House on fire after lightning strike in Ahlefeld-Bistensee

Lightning strikes a detached house near Rendsburg during a violent storm. The occupant hears a loud bang and runs to safety from the flames.

Firefighters prepare an extinguishing attack.
Firefighters prepare an extinguishing attack.

Fire department operation - House on fire after lightning strike in Ahlefeld-Bistensee

A lightning strike occurred at a single-family house in Ahlefeld-Bistensee (Rendsburg-Eckernförde district) on Thursday evening. The roof was on fire, but no one was injured, as the police reported on Friday morning. The homeowner had heard a loud bang, the power went out. When she discovered the flames, she quickly left the house. The fire was extinguished early in the morning. The building is reportedly now uninhabitable. The extent of the damage was initially unclear. Whether the house had a lightning rod, the police could not make any statements about that.

On Friday night, in Koslin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, there was also a fire in the roof of a vacant single-family house due to a lightning strike.

Press release Police Directorate Neumünster

  1. The lightning strike that caused the fire in Ahlefeld-Bistensee was in the Rendsburg-Eckernförde district, specifically in a detached house.
  2. The Rendsburg-Eckernförde district's fire department was involved in the operation to extinguish the flames that resulted from the lightning strike at the house in Ahlefeld-Bistensee.
  3. Despite the significant damage to the detached house due to the fire caused by the lightning strike in Rendsburg, there were no reports of injuries by the local police.
  4. In investigating the incident in Ahlefeld-Bistensee, the police could not confirm whether the detached house had a lightning rod installed.

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